
Within the scope of DEHUKAM Education Days, Dr. Ali Deniz Kutluk Gave a Lecture

Within the scope of DEHUKAM Education Days, On Friday, July 19, 2024, Dr. Ali Deniz Kutluk gave a lecture titled “Aegean Problems and Policies for Managers” to DEHUKAM staff and interns and authorized personnel from relevant Public Institutions and Organizations. Within the scope of the education program held at Ankara University Faculty of Law, Dr. Ali Deniz Kutluk discussed the problems and solution suggestions regarding Turkish-Greek relations and the islands in the Aegean Sea from past to present, from the international law perspective. Dr. Ali Deniz Kutluk answered the questions posed by the participants. At the end of the education program, a plaque was presented by DEHUKAM Senior Researcher Assoc. Dr. By Ali İbrahim Akkutay to Dr. Ali Deniz Kutluk.

We would like to thank Dr. Ali Deniz Kutluk for his valuable contributions.