
Maritime Law Academy Completed

The Academy program titled “DEHUKAM Maritime Law Academy” organized in cooperation with Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM), DEU Continuing Education Center. (DESEM) and Dokuz Eylül University Aegean Region Research and Application Center (DEU EBAMER) was completed successfully.

The opening speeches of the program, which was opened in Izmir on July 1 Maritime and Cabotage Day, were made by Dokuz Eylül University Rector Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ak and Prof. Dr. Nil Kula and many academics from different universities gave a lecture in the academy program. DEHUKAM Maritime Law Academy, which was completed with the Certificate Ceremony on Friday, July 12, also received wide coverage in the press. You can access Our Board Member Prof. Dr. Nil Kula’s interview via

We would like to thank our valuable lecturers and participants who contributed to the Academy.