

CC/RAC Delegation Attended the UfM Mediterranean Green Week

The Director of the Climate Change Regional Activity Center (CC/RAC), Mustafa Başkara, along with researchers Derya Ulutürk and Büşra Deniz, participated in the Mediterranean Green Week held in Istanbul from May 14-16. This significant event, organized in collaboration with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the OECD Istanbul Centre, aimed to highlight the challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean region and to develop solutions.

Within the framework of Mediterranean Green Week, panels and discussions were held with the participation of policymakers, NGOs, and private sector representatives, calling for cooperation and action towards a more resilient and sustainable vision for the Mediterranean in the face of climate change.

It was a privilege for CC/RAC to participate in and contribute to these important discussions and panels, reinforcing our commitment to creating a more resilient and sustainable Mediterranean.