
Professor Dr. XXX Ademuni-Odeke, Speacial Adviser and Senior Researcher at DEHUKAM, attended symposium titled “Maritime Cyber Security and Resilience” at the IMO Headquarters

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the University of Plymouth’s Cyber-SHIP Lab jointly convened a symposium titled “Maritime Cyber Security and Resilience” at the IMO Headquarters in London on November 1st and 2nd, 2023. The symposium’s primary focus was on the most recent research in international maritime cyber risk assessment and mitigation, with an exploration of opportunities for collaboration among governments, the maritime industry, researchers, and non-governmental organizations to enhance cyber resilience in the international maritime supply chain.
Professor Dr. XXX Ademuni-Odeke, Speacial Adviser and Senior Researcher at DEHUKAM, represented our Center at this event. To access further details about the program, please visit