
DEHUKAM Senior Researcher Ceren Cerit Dindar Presented a Paper at the Conference on Türkiye’s Contributions to the Ocean Decade

“International Conference on Türkiye’s Contributions to The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development”, which was organized by the coordination of METU Institute of Marine Sciences with the contributions of the Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography of the Turkish Naval Forces Command, was held on 26 September 2023 at METU Culture and Congress Center.

At the conference where DEHUKAM Senior Researcher Dr. Ceren CERİT DİNDAR contributed with her paper on “A General Overview of Regulatory Steps Taken to Reduce Carbon Emissions from Ships – Impacts on the Ocean and Suggestions”, Turkey’s efforts towards the UN Decade of Ocean Science were brought together and shared with relevant stakeholders. The science needed for the oceans we want to achieve and the steps that can be taken in the future were discussed together during the conference.