

The Board of Directors Meeting held at the DEHUKAM Headquarters

The Board of Directors Meeting held at the DEHUKAM headquarters was attended in person by the Chair of the Board of Directors of DEHUKAM and Director General of Legal Services at the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Mr. Süleyman Önel, as well as the Board Members: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Yasin Ekrem Serim; Chief of Naval Staff at the Ministry of National Defense, Vice Admiral Aydın Şirin; Professor İsmail Demir from Ankara University; Professor Nil Kula, Director of the Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology at Dokuz Eylül University; and DEHUKAM CEO Mr. Mustafa Başkara. Additionally, Mr. Zekeriya Birkan, Legal Advisor at the Ministry of Justice; Professor Yücel Acer, Faculty Member at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University and Senior Researcher at DEHUKAM; and Mr. Tamer Kıran, Vice President of TOBB and President of İMEAK Chamber of Shipping, participated online.

Chief of Naval Staff at the Ministry of National Defense, Vice Admiral Aydın Şirin bid farawell to DEHUKAM Board Membership upom his retirement from the Navy. We thank Mr. Şirin for his great Contributions to DEHUKAM.