

International Law of the Sea Summer Academy Has Commenced

International Law of the Sea Summer Academy, hosted by Kadir Has University organized in collaboration with DEHUKAM, started with an opening ceremony.
During the ceremony, Dr. Aslıhan Erbaş Açıkel, a faculty member at Kadir Has University, expressed her gratitude to the collaborating institutions and emphasized the significance of academic cooperation.

Prof. Dr. Sondan Durukanoğlu Feyiz, the Rector of Kadir Has University, expressed her delight in hosting such a program.
Mustafa Başkara, DEHUKAM CEO, also spoke about the importance of the educational program and provided information about DEHUKAM’s activities to the participants.
Ambassador Burak Özügergin, the Director-General of Maritime-Aviation-Border Affairs at Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs, discussed migration, energy, and other related topics from the perspective of maritime law and policy, shedding light on Türkiye’s stance on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in his speech.


Following the opening speeches, the first lecture of the International Law of the Sea Summer Academy was delivered by ITLOS Judge David Attard.

International Law of the Sea Summer Academy will continue with two weeks of lectures.