

3rd International Maritime Security Conference was Organized in Istanbul

NATO Multinational Maritime Security Centre of Excellence (MARSEC COE) organized the 3rd International Maritime Security Conference in Istanbul from June 14th to 15th, 2023.
The conference focused on the theme of ‘Maritime Security in the Context of NATO’s New Strategic Concept’ and brought together researchers, academics, and professionals from various countries. The conference covered key topics such as unmanned systems, NATO’s new strategic concept and its impact on maritime security, maritime critical infrastructure protection, and new challenges in food, energy, and cybersecurity.
DEHUKAM Board Member and Senior Researcher Prof. Dr. Yücel Acer chaired the session titled ‘NATO’s Role and Legal Aspects in Maritime Critical Infrastructure Protection’. Additionally, DEHUKAM Researcher Mustafa Yılmaz contributed to the Conference with his paper titled ‘Navigating Regulatory Challenges – Ensuring Safety and Security in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships’.