

Pre-COP 22 Youth Event

Youth representatives of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention met in Istanbul on November 16–17, 2021 for the Pre-COP 22 Youth Event, themed “Towards a Blue Mediterranean: Leaving a Pollution-Free Legacy, Protecting Biodiversity, and Sustaining Climate Stability,” to exchange ideas and shape the future for next generations. The Pre-COP22 Youth Summit, hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change in collaboration with the Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law (DEHUKAM), reflects the importance of the participation of the youth for the sustainable blue Mediterranean by taking immediate and effective action with regard to mitigating climate change, reducing marine litter, and replenishing marine biodiversity within the concept of the blue economy. Youth will convey their message to the High-Level Segment of COP 22  on December 7–10, in Antalya.