
Colloquium on Current Issues in Maritime Salvage Law was held in Istanbul

“Colloquium on Current Issues in Maritime Salvage Law” was organized by DEHUKAM and hosted by IMEAK Chamber of Shipping on June 26, 2024. Leading academics, industry representatives and practitioners attended the colloquium program.

The colloquium program, began with the opening speeches of DEHUKAM Board Member and Leading Researcher Prof. Dr. İsmail DEMİR and consisted of three sessions. In the first session, moderated by Prof. Dr. Samim ÜNAN, presentations were made by Prof. Dr. Hacı KARA, Prof. Dr. Didem ALGANTÜRK LIGHT, Prof. Dr. Kerim ATAMER, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fevzi TOPSOY. In the second session, moderated by Prof. Dr. Didem ALGANTÜRK LIGHT, presentations were made by Prof. Dr. Samim ÜNAN, Prof. Dr. Emine YAZICIOĞLU, Prof. Dr. Nil KULA, and Att. Emre ERSOY. In the final session, moderated by Prof. Dr. Nil KULA, presentations were made by Prof. Dr. İsmail DEMİR, Dr. Oğuz CANER, and Att. Nazlı SELEK.

The colloquium program was ended with the closing speech of the DEHUKAM CEO Mustafa BAŞKARA.

We would like to thank all our stakeholders, academicians and practitioners who showed great interest in the colloquium program.