

Erasmus+ “The Role of Youth in Türkiye’s Marine Climate Strategy” Project’s First Regional Workshop has been Completed!

The Erasmus+ KA154-YOU (Youth Participation) project, carried out by Ankara University National Center for the Sea and Maritime Law and granted by the Turkish National Agency, carried out introduction, orientation and project promotion activities on the first day of the “The Role of Youth in Türkiye’s Marine Climate Strategy Central Anatolia Workshop”. On the second day, presentations were made by DEHUKAM Researchers Emre Önsöz, Derya Ulutürk and Büşra Deniz. Then, problem identification analysis, group studies and solution sessions were carried out by coordination of Project Expert Hakan Ekinci and Burçin Ünver. After the policy development session on the 3rd day of the workshop, Burak Paydaş made a presentation titled “Climate and Disaster Relationship” and Ankara University TÖMER Director Prof. Dr. Timur Gültekin made a presentation titled “Global Warming and Climate Change”.

On the last day of the workshop, a meeting with decision makers were held. DEHUKAM Board Members Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir, Prof. Dr. Yücel Acer shared his views on the effects of climate change and marine climate.
At the closing session of the workshop, following the closing remarks of DEHUKAM CEO Mustafa Başkara, certificates were presented to the participants and the organization team.